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Last updated: 21/08/2024

Let me see your war-face!

Battle Of Bessang Pass - March 1944 - June 1944, Phillipines.

There's an oft-overlooked battle in the Pacific theatre of WW2 in the Phillipines called "The Battle Of Bessang Pass" during the Allied liberation of the Phillipines. This battle was something of a tug-of-war between the Filipino Guerillas and the defending Japanese. I'll be using Panzer Campaigns Phillipines '44 to illustrate.

The Bessang Pass was part of a defensive line in the mountains off the west coast of Luzon. It led directly from the coast to the mountainous regions, and so was a key point to the integrity of the defensive line.

Bessang Pass map

Phillipines '44 covers the 3 major parts of the battle over the 4 month period beginning with:

Initial filipino guerilla attack - March 29th 1945

Battle Of Bessang in March

Japanese counter-attack - May 17th 1945

Battle Of Bessang in May

The final push to successfully secure the Bessang Pass - June 10th to June 14th 1945

Battle Of Bessang in June

Plans for this page

As someone with what could reasonably called a passing interest in military history and tactics, I find myself drawn to computer-based wargames, both fictional universes, and more real-life ones. Mostly in this blog I'll be focusing on warhammer 40K videogames like Warhammer 40k: Battlesector, and the more historical accuracy focused hex-and-counter games from Wargame Design Studio

So expect this page to have my thoughts on military history and conflicts, wargame reviews, new release/patch announcements, and action reports from the (virtual) battlefield! I'll be including links to seperate pages for each.